The Evolution Of A Vintage Seller

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why Glass?

I think my "glass collecting" started with that one tall skinny florist's milk glass bud vase that always sits in a rarely used upper cabinet. That led me to pick up another one in a thrift store... I felt sorry for it. And in doing so, I discovered that my bud vase has a name. Thousand Line; Stars & Bars; Rainbow Stars; all variations of an Anchor Hocking Glass Company pattern You know the rest of the story.

I don't think people respect glassware. If they did, it wouldn't be so plentiful in thrift stores, consignment shops, garage sales, and trash bins. So much of our older everyday glassware has a rich history; it has a name; it has a family. And it's American-made.

Once upon a time our country was filled with companies that made beautiful glassware; some utilitarian, some art pieces. Hocking Glass Company. Paden City Glass Company. Federal Glass Company. Sooo many others. I guess that's why I've come to love these pieces of cast-off glassware because of those very reasons. I want to rescue and share as many pieces as I can. I want to do it justice.

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